Monday, June 30, 2014

I am having trouble getting an attorney to follow thru with info on a class-action suit :(

Hey folks, I just wanted to give a little update on my lack of progress:

I have contacted two California law firm that advertise a speciality in auto fraud. The first, Scott Law Group, doesn't even get back to me when I leave that was a fail.

I have corresponded with the same lawyer at the Auto Fraud Legal Center twice now. We have gone over some of the cases on this blog together, and initially things sounded somewhat promising. Our last conversation ended with her telling me she'd speak with the bankruptcy experts at her firm to see if there is any action to be taken while McMahon's filed chapter 11. She said I'd probably hear back from her in a few hours--it has now been a few days. I have little faith at this point, as she blew me off the first time I contacted her two weeks ago.

If anyone knows a reputable and responsive law firm please let me know. I'd be happy to do some legwork if I have a reasonable lead. I genuinely want to see Brent & CO. pay for ripping off so many good people.

In the meantime, best of luck folks.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Update on potential courses of legal action you can bring against McMahon's RV

First off, here is another important post from an Anonymous friend of McMahon's RV Consumer Warning:

On June 16, 2014 Mega RV Corp (McMahon's RV) filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States Bankruptcy Court Central District of California: Case # 8:14-BK-13770. I have reviewed the petition and there are numerous creditors identified. However, it appears to me that many of the customers have not been identified. If you want to be included to be considered you need to file a claim with the court. You can access the petition at or at I would recommend that you file a claim with the court and send a letter to the bankruptcy attorneys representing Mega RV Corp, their name and address is on the petition. If you decide to file a claim and send a letter send it certified receipt requested. Also, file a complaint with the California DMV Investigation Division who is the lead State agency investigating McMahon's RV for criminal behavior.

Second: This week, I contacted a lawyer about a potential class-action suit. It sounds like this is a distinct possibility. We have been playing phone-tag the last couple days, but I hope to get details and go over some of the complaints from this blog, this coming week. CHECK BACK SOON!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Great post from an Anonymous friend of McMahon's RV Consumer Warning:

If you are incline or pissed off enough you may want to file complaints to the following agencies. According to CA DMV Investigations they are looking into the business practices of McMahons Rv. For DMV to understand the magnitude of number of customers that have been taken by McMahon's RV they need your feedback.

We need to apply pressure to McMahon's RV (Brent McMahon) to fulfill their (his) contractual obligations and include state and federal agencies to help us. I was originally optimistic that Camping World would be the night and shinning amour that would rescue all of us from these dark times, however recent information I have received from their customer service department they are not interested in purchasing this dealership at this time. I suggest we not wait for someone else but we now take action. I have filed complaints with the following state agencies. I will be filing a crime report with Westminister PD and a complaint with the Orange County DA in the next few days. I would ask that all of us contact local news agencies to see if one of them will take this on. Also, file a complaint with State Senator Dunn to see if he can assist in applying pressure to State enforcement agencies to assist us in our fight. Here is some contact information:

Brent McMahon (President McMahon’s RV) (call leave messages) – 949-279-4493

Adam Obeid (McMahon’s Attorney) – 949-733-3133 (now disconnected), . File a demand letter at a minimum, regularly send emails (examples of demand letters on line)

State of California Attorney General – (file complaint on their website and call them with your complaint) 916 322-3360, Protecting Consumers | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General

California DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles Investigations (Orange) 714 703-2532 (file a complaint and call them with your complaint)
Investigations Offices by Location O

California New Motor Vehicle Board – 714 703-2532,, email – (file a complaint and call them with your complaint)

State of California Equalization (Use and sales tax agency) 800 400-7115 (will take complaint over the phone)

State of California Equalization (verification sales tax were paid) 916-445-9524

Westminister Police Department – 714 898-3315 (file a crime report) 8200 Westminster Blvd., Bldg.

Orange County District Attorney - (714) 834-6553 (file a consumer fraud complaint)
Welcome to the Orange County DA Office - Tips and Resources

Senator Joseph Dunn (only because the State Agencies have been reluctant to respond)
Web Site:
12397 Lewis St, Ste 103
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Telephone: (714) 705-1580

Federal Trade Commission

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Class-action lawsuit?

Some reading of review sites and blogs indicates that the thieves at McMahon's RV have illegally frauded 10s of customers, and it is likely that there are many more not posting their experiences to the web. It would be nice to accumulate a collection of such injustices in one place, and to consider the possibility of a class-action suit. I am not a legal expert, so I am not sure if that is possible here (for instance, are the complaints to varied?). Any opinion on that matter, here, would be helpful. Also, anyone seeking legal justice against these crooks could be indicated here, and we can determine if collective action is beneficial/warranted.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Problems and solutions for getting your RV or money from a closing McMahon's RV

Thought I'd start a thread for passerby's to share the current problems they are having with McMahon's RV, and as important, any potential solutions that anyone has come up with. Problems could be anything of note, from failure to pay off trade-ins, failure to deliver vehicle, substantial parts still missing, failure to refund cancelled service agreements. A lot of us stand to lose a lot of money to these crooks, so if any of you reading this have found a solution to any posted problems, please help. So, with that, post a "Comment" if you have a problem or solution. Thanks.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A little more about the McMahon's RV closing

Posted to Yelp by west g on April 11th. Note: west g mentions the possibility of Mike Thompson's RV buying McMahon's, but I have heard from multiple sources that it is in fact Camping World that is taking them over.

As of 4-9-14 You don't have to worry about McMahon's RV appears that the end is near!

The California Motor Vehicle Department yanked the Westminsters Vehicle sales license, the Orange County Marshals office siezed all assets of the Dealership, the many creditors lined up with their Accountants and auditors and spent 3 days at the CLOSED McMahons Westminster Dealership. 

All four of McMahons Black Mercedes S Class Sedans are sitting locked up  in the front parking lot, and the only manager still there said the court also siezed his three homes in Coto de caza worth over well over  a million EACH. 

The gates of the Dealership are all locked up to prevent the $40,000.00 and up motorhomes and RV's from disappearing, but most the remaining RV's aregone and or going back to the bank..

Rumor has it that Mr. Mike Thompson is interested in the property!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Will McMahon's RV be owned by Camping World?

Rumor's floating around on the blogs of "McMahon's RV Consumer Warning" suggest that McMahon's RV is currently, or soon-to-be, under the ownership of Camping World.

From Aussie Spec US Caravans:

A customer of mine told me he went to McMahons yesterday , April 14 th and there was a guard on the gate who told him that they were closed and had been taken over by Camping World , owned by Marcus Melonis

From Anonymous:
 I was scheduled to do a walk thru and they called me and said camping world was buying them and i had to wait to do a walk thru.. OK that is fine however i have to take delivery as i am taking the rig on planned vacation.. Now i find out what really happen and i will not be able to get my trailer and they cashed my deposit weeks ago so now at this point i am stuck with them.. fight to get my deposit back or wait it out and see what happens and if i actually get my trailer.. Very sad

Saturday, April 12, 2014

I looks like McMahon's RV might be going out of business?!

Over the past couple of days I have been hearing some rumors that McMahon's RV is the defendant in a ~$30 million lawsuit, and will almost certainly be shutting it's doors. If true, this is a real win for all things good. I, like many of you reading this blog, only wish that this happened earlier, before we were suckered in to doing business with these thieves and cheats.  If anyone has more info on this, please comment. And add links if you have them. Thanks!